
Evolution #1 - Cable Cpmpanies Peer with Each Other


Evolution #3 - Large cale Network Savvy Content Providers Peer with Cable Companies

Evolution #2 – Large Scale Network Savvy Content Providers Peer



Around the same time, a small group of Large-Scale Network-Savvy Content Providers emerged as large volume peers.

Definition: A Large-Scale Network-Savvy Content Provider (LSNSCP) is a content provider that sees networking as strategic enough to build a backbone and peer.

Most of the LSNSCPs peer at least bi-coastally, and some peer more broadly across the country. The dominant three motivations to peer are similar to the Tier 2 ISP motivations to peer:


Large-scale content players have always purchased transit to deliver their content to the end users on the Internet. Therefore, their role and behavior in the Peering Ecosystem is similar to the Tier 2 ISPs with the exceptions that Content Players:

The model for the Network-Savvy Large-Scale Content Provider is shown in Figure 10-3.


Figure 10-3. The Large-Scale Network-Savvy Content Provider model.


These players still purchase transit (generally from the Tier 1 ISPs), but they supplement it by peering openly with anyone and everyone.

Examples of these Large-Scale Content Players are Yahoo!, Google, Microsoft, Amazon,, Apple, Electronic Arts, and Sony Online.

This evolution represents a significant change to the Peering Ecosystem because:

We can see a graphic depiction of this evolution below in Figure 10-4.


Figure 10-4. The Large-Scale Network-Savvy Content Providers peer openly.



Evolution #1 - Cable Companies Peer with Each Other


Evolution #3 - Large Scale Network Savvy Content Providers Peer with Cable Companies

This material is from The Internet Peering Playbook, available from (click below) and on the iBookStore.

This material is from The Internet Peering Playbook, available from (click below) and on the iBookStore.