
The Value of an IXP


Tactic 1. Bluff the Size of the Population

The IXP Playbook Tactics


All tactics in the rest of this chapter focus on one of the parameters of the value of the IXP model.

The value of the IXP is proportional to the number of participants (the how many), the routes available at the IXP (the who there), and the volume of traffic peered (the how much), as shown mathematically as follows:

Value of the IXP = ValueDerived - CostToParticipate

We express this more succinctly as the function (f) below:

Value of the IXP = f(p, r, v, m) - c

where on the value side:

p = the number of participants at the IXP – the “How many?”

r = the number and uniqueness of routes available at the IXP – the “Who there?”

v = the volume of traffic that is peered at the IXP – the “How much?”

m = the match of the service to the market needs and stickiness – the “Why are they there?”

and on the cost side:

c = the cost of participation at the IXP (colocation, switch ports, equipment, cross-connect, membership fees, etc.)

All of the tactics in this chapter manipulate one or more of these parameters. We will group them based on whether they increase the value side of the equation or the cost side of the equation.

Tactics That Manipulate the Value of the IXP

These tactics all try to increase the value of the IXP

Value of the IXP = ValueDerived - CostToParticipate

Value of the IXP = f(p, r, v, m) - c

by manipulating one of the value parameters:

p: The population

r: The routes available

v: The volume of traffic exchanged

m: The market perception of the IXP

c: The cost of participatioon at the IXP

Each tactic will highlight the targeted parameter.



The Value of an IXP


Tactic 1. Bluff the Size of the Population

This material is from The Internet Peering Playbook, available from (click below) and on the iBookStore.

This material is from The Internet Peering Playbook, available from (click below) and on the iBookStore.